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Introducing SchlickArt Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning Sessions

Kirsten QuinnHeadshots, Professional Portrait, Video, Visual branding, Visual Marketing

Introducing a session 10+ years in the making: NEW SchlickArt Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning Sessions!

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training Sessions

For more than a decade, we’ve been helping our clients and community create high-quality photography and video content. 

In the meantime, we’ve also been teaching them how to use visual content to maximize their marketing power. 

After years of research, professional experience and teaching opportunities, we’ve compiled all of our best knowledge and insights into one incredible NEW SchlickArt Session. 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning In Santa Clarita 

What’s A Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning Session? 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training Sessions Our SchlickArt Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning Session teaches you how to plan, create and publish high-quality visual content that accomplishes your marketing goals and feels authentically you. Each session is custom-designed to target your specific objectives and remove the roadblocks standing in your way – so you can craft a visual brand that’s beautiful inside and out

What’s Included? 

Your Customized Visual Marketing Strategy & Planning Session Includes: 

  • 2 Hours of Studio Time 
  • Business Evaluation 
  • Personal Brand Evaluation 
  • Outline of Goals 
  • Business Roadmap 
  • Visual Marketing Strategy 
  • Implementation & Production Schedule 

How Does It Work? 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training SessionsBefore your session date, we’ll contact you for a brief consultation to get to know your goals, help you prepare any materials you might need, and walk you through a custom-designed questionnaire about your brand and objectives. 

When it comes time for your session, you’ll have two hours in our private studio space to help you turn your marketing goals into action. Starting with an evaluation of your business and personal brand, we’ll identify your goals and craft a business roadmap and visual marketing strategy that will outline the process to achieving them. 

Next, in the implementation phase, we’ll help you establish a realistic production schedule that works for you, and set the schedule for future production. 

To keep the forward momentum going, we’ll send you home with homework and schedule your next session to help keep you accountable and provide the support you need to finally achieve marketing success. 

The result is a targeted, strategy-based marketing plan plus the education, experience and confidence to put it into action. 

Why Does Visual Marketing Matter? 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training SessionsStudies show that our brains not only process images faster than words, but they also remember images more easily. Visuals make a lasting impact. 

“And beyond simply interpreting images more quickly, visuals help aid in making faster purchasing decisions,” according to an article by Canva, a popular graphic design software company. “Shoppers make decisions about products in 90 seconds, and 90% of shopping decisions are made based on visuals alone: color.”

Perhaps most importantly, studies have also found that images speak to our emotions more powerfully than words. 

“Images and videos are powerful tools that can help you tell your brand’s story and connect with your audience on an emotional level,” writes Forbes contributor Candice Georgiadis. “When used correctly, they can effectively promote your brand and drive results.”

They can also help drive the power of your storytelling by elevating the emotional impact.

“Storytelling through visual marketing is a great way to capture attention and promote your brand,” Georgiadis continues. “Telling your audience a story is one of the best ways to infuse your brand into more hearts.”

Merely posting images and videos whenever possible is not enough to produce targeted marketing results. You must also use them according to an intentional, strategic plan if you want them to help you accomplish your overall business goals. 

Why Choose SchlickArt? 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training SessionsAfter two decades of specialized training, professional experience and continued education, we’ve crafted a visual marketing training experience for Santa Clarita small businesses and executives who want an effective, luxury experience in addition to a product that delivers results. Here’s how we do just that: 

  • Authentically You: Our process is designed to highlight your unique value, shine a spotlight on your personality, and foster a genuine connection between you and your ideal target audience. 
  • Strategy-based: We take the time to cultivate a deep understanding of your personal roadblocks, top goals and unique brand identity, so your content creation has an intentional purpose and direction. 
  • Results-driven: Walk away with a results-driven action plan for the future and an implementation schedule to streamline the entire process moving forward. 

What’s Next? 

SchlickArt Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions, santa clarita Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in santa clarita, scv Visual Marketing Training Sessions, Visual Marketing Training Sessions in scv, valencia Visual Marketing Training Sessions, saugus Visual Marketing Training Sessions, canyon country Visual Marketing Training Sessions, newhall Visual Marketing Training SessionsAt SchlickArt, we know your marketing visuals are only effective if you actually use them. That’s why we’re devoted to helping you create powerful photography and video – and teaching you how to share it. 

Here are a few ways for you to get started right now

  • Get Educated: Check out our blog and video channel for weekly tips, detailed how-tos, and problem-solving guides designed to help you set a firm visual marketing foundation. 
  • Group Instruction: To make a marketing plan work, the entire team needs to be on board. That’s why we offer group training sessions, held in the comfort of your own office or in our studio, to help take your business to the next level. Contact us to learn more!
  • Private Visual Marketing Session: If you’re ready to create powerful results quickly, we suggest our private Visual Marketing Session that’s customized to help you achieve your specific goals in business.

Visual Marketing Education 

At SchlickArt, we know your marketing visuals are only effective if you actually use them. That’s why we help you create powerful photography and video – and then we teach you how to share it. With each session, we’ll give you our best tips based on your specific marketing goals. We provide the education and resources you need to brand your content, integrate it into your marketing strategy, post it with intention, and maximize engagement along the way. 

If you want even more tips and resources, we have an educational blog, newsletter and video channel to help you dive deeper, as well as professional presentations, workshops, and coaching sessions if you’re ready to take action and level-up your marketing now

Marketing Photography in Santa Clarita

When it comes to marketing photography, our goal is simple: We want you to walk away feeling like you have the best headshots in Santa Clarita. That’s why we’ve designed a line of Marketing Photography Sessions that are custom-made to make you happy. How do we do that? Simple. We pay attention to you, your needs and your business. We take the time to create a photography experience – we don’t just point, shoot and send you on your way. We bring our visual marketing background to every session, to help you make smart choices in wardrobe, appearance, posing and expression.

About Our Quality Video Marketing in Santa Clarita 

With years of professional experience, Brian not only has an eye for crisp visuals and engaging shots — but also an ear for powerful storytelling. In his vision, marketing video should communicate the why behind your business and present it to the world in the most compelling visual format possible. With a camera in his hand, Brian can turn a vision into reality and business-as-usual marketing videos into an opportunity to connect.