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Podcast Service In Santa Clarita: The Small Business Benefits Of A Video Podcast

Kirsten QuinnPodcasts

Curious about using podcasting as a small business strategy? Learn how to get the most from our podcast service in Santa Clarita.

Video podcast, video podcast production, video podcast production service, video podcast service, Santa Clarita podcast, Santa Clarita video podcast, Santa Clarita podcast production, Santa Clarita video podcast production, Santa Clarita podcast service, SchlickArt Video Podcast Productions

For many business owners and podcast enthusiasts, the idea of starting a podcast is a glamorous one. 

The expensive mics. The beautifully branded set. The engaging conversations. And the even more engaged audience. 

If you have a message to share with the community, then there’s a strong chance you’ve considered this trendy medium as a tool for your Santa Clarita small business. 

Here’s the thing: Podcasting really is glamorous, fun and engaging. The dream is possible. 

But it’s absolutely crucial to understand the strategy behind your small business podcast before you get wrapped up in all the glory of this powerful platform. 

That’s why, today, we’re talking about the small business benefits of a podcast service in Santa Clarita – and how a video podcast can support your business’ marketing goals this year. 

Do Small Businesses Need A Video Podcast Service In Santa Clarita?

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If your marketing goals include growing your brand awareness, digital audience and local authority, then the short answer is: YES. Here are the top eight benefits of using a podcast as a small business podcast marketing strategy:

1. You Have Something To Say 

Above all else, the most important reason to start a podcast is because you have something to say! Your knowledge, experiences and unique way of interpreting the world provide so much value. Your perspective could change the way people think, act and influence their communities – if only you made the commitment to share it. If you feel like there’s a message inside you that’s burning to get out, then you are a podcaster

2. A Key Demographic

As a community, podcast listeners are wealthier and more highly educated than the general population. In fact, 51% of active podcast listeners make $75,000 or more a year, while only 38% of non-listeners hit that pay grade, according to a study by Statista called “Podcast Listeners Are Young, Educated and Affluent.” 

That means your audience, on average, has more high-paid listeners than if you were reaching out to the general public with an ad campaign, for example. 

Not only do listeners have more money in their pockets, but they also have more college degrees on their walls. Statista reports that 61% of active podcast listeners have a four-year college degree, while only 44% of the general public can say the same. 

3. A Dedicated Audience 

In a world where the ability to capture someone’s attention has become our hottest commodity, engagement is the gold standard of marketing. And we have good news for you: Podcast listeners spend more time consuming your content than any other category of marketing. 

They simply listen longer. 

In fact, 76% of active listeners consume more than 7 hours of episodes each week, according to a podcast trends report by DiscoverPods. And it gets even better: 38% of listeners say they’ve purchased products or services mentioned on the shows they listen to, according to Statista

4. A Growing Audience 

Video podcast, video podcast production, video podcast production service, video podcast service, Santa Clarita podcast, Santa Clarita video podcast, Santa Clarita podcast production, Santa Clarita video podcast production, Santa Clarita podcast service, SchlickArt Video Podcast Productions

The number of active weekly podcast listeners has grown 120% over the past four years, and by 2022, 132 million people are expected to proudly call themselves podcast listeners, says a study by Statista. In fact, 61% of listeners report they spend more time tuning into their favorite podcasts than they do watching TV. 

And as the audience grows, so does the industry. Advertising revenue is predicted to reach $659 million this year and surpass the billion-dollar mark by 2022, according to the marketing research firm, WARC.

5. Less Competition 

Have you ever typed a generic search term – like “Santa Clarita photographer” – into Google, only to realize that your business falls way too far down the list of search results? When it comes to written content, there’s already lots of content to compete against in a Google search. In fact, it’s hard to think of a blog topic that hasn’t been written about somewhere online. 

The podcast community, however, is much less saturated. Think of it like a really cool travel spot that still qualifies as a “hidden gem” – but you know it’s just about to blow up and become overcrowded by next season. You want to get in on the ground floor while there’s still some space left to stake your claim. 

Don’t take our word for it. Check out the numbers. According to Buzzsprout, there are 800,000 podcasts, 23 million YouTube channels and 600 million blogs out there now. That means, for every podcast, there are 29 YouTube channels and 750 blogs. Where would you want to be? 

6. A Bigger Online Presence

Not only does a podcast have less competition, but it also helps you stand out from the rest. In fact, it’s probably the easiest way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your specific area of expertise. 

Each episode showcases your knowledge, experience and brand in a way that delivers free value people can use in their everyday lives. What’s more powerful than that? 

Plus, if you’re one of the few in your industry who’s offering this kind of information in an accessible way, it positions you as a leading expert in your field.

7. Exponential Content Creation 

You know what else helps create a bigger online presence? More content. And that’s exactly what a podcast helps you do – especially when you do it the SchlickArt way. SchlickArt Video Podcast Productions are delivered in two formats: as an audio episode and a video episode. That means you have the podcast plus a video to post on YouTube, as well. 

These two pieces alone create so much shareable content for your social media and website. But you can even take it a step further and transcribe your audio file into a blog. You can pull interesting quotes out and post them on your social media, or take screenshots for your Stories. The content repurposing options are endless when you start with an audio/video podcast. 

8. Powerful Networking Opportunities

Are you interviewing guests on your podcast episodes? This is an easy and powerful way to build relationships with other experts in your field or others. Being invited as a podcast guest is nothing short of an honor, and it helps you get to know people while shining a flattering spotlight on their expertise. 

Not only do you get the opportunity to work together with other brilliant thought leaders, but you also get to share their audience. Every time your guests share their episodes – on any of their social platforms, websites or marketing – you’re getting the exposure to a new audience.

Video podcast, video podcast production, video podcast production service, video podcast service, Santa Clarita podcast, Santa Clarita video podcast, Santa Clarita podcast production, Santa Clarita video podcast production, Santa Clarita podcast service, SchlickArt Video Podcast Productions

SchlickArt Video Podcast Productions 

We produce podcasts a little differently. At SchlickArt, we offer video podcast productions. Why? You get double the content in half the time, with twice the exposure. But that’s not all. It’s also a SchlickArt experience – which means we take care of everything during production, then provide you with the tools and resources to do the rest. If you’re looking for a Santa Clarita podcast service, we can provide everything you need to launch with success. Create your Santa Clarita video podcast with ease, efficiency and confidence. 

Visual Marketing In Santa Clarita 

At SchlickArt, we offer more than photography and video services to the Santa Clarita area and beyond. We do our best to provide our clients with marketing expertise and direction every chance we get. We know you need your images and video to help grow your business — that’s why you invest in them, and that’s why we do, too. Please take a minute to search through our blogs to find the visual marketing information that will help your business, or give us a call. We’re happy to help! 

About SchlickArt Photography and Video

SchlickArt, a boutique photo and video studio in Santa Clarita, started in March 2012 with the simple idea that empowerment creates a kind of beauty and authenticity that shines through every camera lens. Built on a philosophy — rather than a product, service or person — SchlickArt has rapidly evolved, meeting professional portraiture, business photo and business video needs as diverse as the community we capture. It’s the desire to take care of you, the client, that drives us at SchlickArt.